Author Topic: Hosting a server with changing settings without restart?  (Read 286 times)

Offline Darman

  • FH-Betatester
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Hey guys,

I'm hosting a dedicated COOP server for me and a few guys now and then and a question recently came to my mind.

To make the game most enjoyable, every map needs its own tweaking in the server and AI settings. That means:
sv.coopBotRatio XX
sv.coopBotCount XX
aiSettings.setMaxNBots XX

Now I have to shut down the server every time we finish a map and relaunch it with updated settings for the next level, depending on the map, the distribution of the flags by default, the faction you play with  (defender/attacker?) and so on. I have to change lines in
maplist.con, serversettings.con and ai/aidefault.con.

That is annoying, to be honest.

So is there a way to change these settings on the run? Without the ^ console preferably? Maybe setting up a server script that triggers the execution of special configs on finishing a mission? Anything like that?

Any help is appreciated.