Forgotten Hope 2 > Singleplayer and Coop
FH2: Forgotten Maps [SP/COOP] DOWNLOAD [UPDATE 05/13/16]
as some might have noticed, most of the old custom maps for FH2 are broken since the last patch or unsupported due to python issues. I always wanted to keep some of the best maps alive for me and a few friends to play in coop mode. This time I went one step further and started fixing and overhauling some old maps. And I just wanted to share it, so here you go.
First of all: I don't own any of the maps and I didn't create any of these maps. I fixed them, updated them, improved some things and added navmeshes where they were needed. Credits for the original work go to the creators, which are listed below. Also credits to gavrant, who helped me a lot with this.
If anybody of the creators should object, I'll remove his work on request.
There are currently 3 packs to download, containing 8 Africa maps, 5 winter 44/45 maps, 6 France maps + one Netherland map. In order for the maps to work, you have to download the modbase files, containing several custom objects by the Forgotten Honor community.
All of these maps are to be played in COOP mode. Don't try Conquest or Singleplayer. Go to Local in the multiplayer menu, choose coop mode and start your server to play on.
I'd recommend playing all of these maps on a local dedicated server to get the best experience. I will list my preferred serversettings for this below each map. Check out DJ Barneys HABAI mod on the forums or on Moddb for more information on dedicated servers.
PATCHLOG updated 05/13/1605/13/16:
* Fixed some minor issues on St. Mere Eglise.
* Overall balance tweaks.
* Updated all non-FHT custom loadscreens to a greatly improved quality for the polished look.
* Dozends of localization issues fixed.
* Overhauled nearly all the Africa maps to be more historically accurate. Thanks to batistadk for the facts.
* Overhauled AI behaviour on nearly all the Africa maps to be more fun.
* Reichswald Map added to the Bulge Pack.
* NCO Kit on Bulge maps hopefully fixed now.
* Python Error on St Mere Eglise fixed.
--- Quote from: Original description ---In late January 1941, the British learned that the Italians, fearing the British advance during Operation Compass were evacuating Cyrenaica by way of Beda Fomm. The British 7th Armoured Division was dispatched to intercept the Italian army. Halfway to their destination, it was evident that the entire division together was too slow so a 'flying column' was sent on a direct route across the desert. On 5 February 1941, they arrived at the town to cut off the retreating remnants of the Italian Tenth Army. The following day, the Italians arrived and attacked.
--- End quote ---
* crash/python stuff fixed
* updated AI Commander behaviour
* improved lighting/overall look
* added FH2-style loadscreen
Original map by: deathfromabove2010 (azreal64)
serversettingsDefend as GB
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 70
Attack as IT
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 75
--- Quote from: Original description ---This is the first confrontation between the US and Axis forces in North Africa. The new and untested Allied troops must fight the battle-hardend Axis 10th, and 21st Armored Divisions . If the Allies fail to stop them, they could loose Tunisia.
--- End quote ---
Complete overhaul:
* crash/python stuff fixed
* improved sky and lighting/overall looks
* improved vehicle spawning, changed vehicle layout
* added new kits to the US side
* added push mode (32p layout)
* improved AI spawning and Commander behaviour
* added FH2-stlye loadscreen + music
Known issues: I've experienced some ctds while testing. I fixed everything I could but sometimes it will still crash while playing. I hope to have this solved in the future.
Original map by: ImtheHeadHunter
Original coop layout by: Sturm_Tiger
serversettingsPush as DAK
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 75
Defend as US
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 70
--- Quote ---Thats right, its back. The FH2 devs might have removed it for good reasons, I think it is still worth playing in coop and it sure provides a lot of fun. Play the original double assault layout or try push mode in coop 32p.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* improved AI commander behaviour
* added push mode (32p layout)
Original map by: FH2 devs (couldn't find the one responsible)
Original coop layout by: Winter
serversettingsPush as DAK
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 75
impressionsOriginal FH2 Page
--- Quote from: Original description ---During the Easter Battle of April 1941, Rommel's forces try to smash through the Tobruk defensive lines with a Blitzkreig style night attack. The Allied defenders, determined and freshly dug in (made up of predominantly Australian infantry with British artillery support) must try to hang on at all costs. The Tobruk garrison O.C. Major General Morshead has directed there will be NO SURRENDER! Short on mortars and with arms mainly consisting of infantry, small and medium AT guns and some armoured units based at the town itself, the gallant defenders know they are in for a bloody fight.
--- End quote ---
* crash/python stuff fixed
* improved lighting/overall looks, added different time and weather modes!
* changed vehicle layout
* added Italians to the Axis, now mixed team
* updated Allied kits
* added coop 32p layout: Sandstorm
* added coop 16p layout: Dusty Afternoon
Note: this will not overwrite the original Fh2 map or corrupt your game files. My version of the map will be shown as "Siege of Tobruk 1941" and exists parallel to the vanilla version.
Original map by: Lobo
Original night version by: ?
serversettingsDefend as GB
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 68
Push as DAK
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 80
--- Quote ---Yes, this map already exists in the current version of FH2. Yes, theres also coop. But, at least for me, the 64p coop mode is severely bugged. Most of the Axis AI will instantly die on spawning. While I was not able to fix this, I simply applied the old pre-2.45 layout to it. I also added a foggy dusk version for all those who aren't fond of night maps.
--- End quote ---
* fixed 64p coop layout
* Coop 64: foggy evening
* Coop 32: original night version
* changed vehicle layout
* improved AI Commander behaviour
Note: this will not overwrite the original Fh2 map or corrupt your game files. My version of the map will be shown as "Mersa Matruh 1942" and exists parallel to the vanilla version.
Original map by: Lobo
Original coop layout by: WSU
serversettingsBreak out as GB
sv.coopBotRatio 80
sv.coopBotCount 70
Attack as DAK
sv.coopBotRatio 90
sv.coopBotCount 70
--- Quote from: Original description ---Following their destruction of the Italian Tenth Army in Operation Compass, the British Western Desert Force halted their advance at El Agheila in February 1941 so that units could be sent to assist in the defence of Greece. On February 14 the first units of the Afrika Korps started to arrive in Libya under General Erwin Rommel. Rommel starts his first offensive in North Africa by attacking the British forces near El Agheila...
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full bot support in 64 push mode
* NOTE: map will be laggy on occasions. Couldn't fix that. Play on HABAI dedicated local server for best experience
Original map by: FHT devs
serversettingsPush as IT
sv.coopBotRatio 100
sv.coopBotCount 75
--- Quote from: Original description ---December 16th, 1941. After three days of bitter fighting, as the 8th Army relentlessly attacks the Gazala line, Rommel orders the Afrika Korps' withdrawal. Now, British troops are about to engage the Italian rearguard near Sidi Muftah who did not receive an withdrawal order and are ready to fight to the last round.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full bot support in 32 and 64 push mode
Original map by: - BpM, modified by FHT devs
--- Quote from: Original description ---On 26th of November, 15th Panzer Division bypassed Sidi Azeiz and headed for Bardia to resupply, arriving around midday. Meanwhile the remains of 21st Panzer Division attacked northwest from Halfaya towards Capuzzo and Bardia. The Italian Ariete Division who were approaching Bir Ghirba from the west, were ordered towards Fort Capuzzo to clear any opposition and link with 21st Panzer. They were to be supported by 15th Panzer's depleted 115th Infantry Regiment which was ordered to advance with some artillery southeast from Bardia towards Fort Capuzzo. The two battalions of 5th NZ Brigade positioned between Fort Capuzzo and Sollum Barracks were engaged by the converging elements of 15th and 21st Panzer at dusk on 26 November.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full bot support in 32 mode, attack as IT/DAK
* added full bot support in 64 mode, attack as GB - alternate weather
Original map by: FHT devs
All of these have been updated to the latest version on 05/01/16!
If you like this, make sure to check out my COOP Support Map Pack for the recently added FH 2.5 Eastern Front maps.
KNOWN BUGS: Not all maps are to be played with either side or the experience will be boring. Play as attacker when possible. At the point most of this was made, I was a non-experienced AI dev, I could create Navmeshes but I could not edit them, the Reichswald is the only exception because it was recently added. I could only do so much to make the AI work as intended. Maps have to be designed with that movement in the mind. Some of those are not. The bots will act stubborn and dumb very often. I tried my best to give you the best possible experience though.
NOTE: As pointed out, this should not break your game for MP. The maps will not overwrite anything.
I'm trying to provide support to this as much as possible. If you come across an issue, please notify me and I'll try to fix it.
* gavrant, who answered all my questions in detail and made most of this possible
* All original creators of these maps, for providing us the awesome stuff
* Every single FH2 Dev, for bringing this mod alive and keeping the best mod of all times alive
So i need only to download this stuf and copy it to fh2 level directory and start like coop in local multiplayer?
--- Quote from: Original description ---After their defeat in Operations Lüttich and Totalize, the Germans have been driven back to the region around Falaise. Now the American XV Corps is moving on Argentan in an effort to link up with the Poles and Canadians at Chambois. The Germans however have deployed the 9th Panzer Division and the 2nd SS Panzer Division in and around Argentan to keep the gap open as long as possible. It now falls to the Americans to push the Germans out of the town and surrounding area...
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full bot support in 64 mode
Original map by: Muratti, FHT devs
--- Quote from: Original description ---The Battle of Bloody Gulch took place near Hill 30 (U.S. Army designation) approximately one mile (1.6 km) southwest of Carentan in Normandy, France on June 13, 1944, between elements of the German 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division and 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment, and the American 501st, 502nd and 506th, Parachute Infantry Regiments (PIR) of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division, reinforced by elements of the U.S. 2nd Armored Division.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* edited 64 and 32 mode
* added proper loadscreen
Original map by: Sn00x
--- Quote from: Original description ---To complete the capture of Carentan, Gen. Courtney Hodges of First Army created a task force under Gen. Anthony McAuliffe to coordinate the final assault. The mission to take Hill 30 was reassigned to the 506th PIR, the attack along the Bassin ¨¤ Flot was renewed, and the 501st PIR was relieved of its defensive positions to circle behind the 327th GIR and approach Hill 30 from the east. The movements were covered by an all-night artillery bombardment of Carentan using naval gunfire, Corps artillery, 4.2-inch mortars, and tank destroyers that had joined the 327th GIR along the eastern canal.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* edited 64 mode
* added proper loadscreen
* fixed water issues
Original map by: Sn00x
--- Quote from: Original description ---June 44. After devestating airstrikes by the Airfoce, the US Forces are advancing to the a strategic town on the 30th. But what they don't know is that the airstrikes didn't hurt the well prepared Germans as much as they think. Map had no proper description. Made this one up.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* edited 64 mode
* added proper loadscreen
Original map by: den75
--- Quote from: Original description ---Situated west of Arromanches-les-Bains in Normandy, Longues-sur-Mer overlooked the ocean from the top of a 65 meters height cliff, a perfect position where the Germans had installed a four 150 mm guns battery. On 6 June 1944, at 5:30 am several allied battle ships opened fire on the battery. When the Allied Armada was on sight, the German heavy guns striked back. The HMS Ajax concentrated his fire on the German battery at one kilometre range. The battery stopped bombing a short time, but fire started again and the position shelled the Landing ships until 5 pm.The battery surrendered to the British troops the next day with the 184 men garrison.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* edited AI commander behaviour
Original map by: aserafimov
--- Quote from: Original description ---03h00 the 6th June 1944, the 505th has been given the green light to jump. The 505th PIR is one of the first airborne units to hit the ground and taking advantage of the confusion, the valorous unit successfully gathers enough troops to liberate the first town in France, - St. Mere-Eglise.
--- End quote ---
* NOTE: python errors will show. Due to map properties, getting rid of all was not possible for me. This should not affect gameplay.
Original map by: Team Contact, LeGriffu
Original AI support by: zxx43
--- Quote from: Original description ---17th September 1944: 30th Corps tries to secure Hell's Highway against stiff opposition by the Fallschirmjaegers of Kampfgruppe Walther. Note: The Germans can still spawn alongside Hell's Highway until the flak position is captured.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full botsupport for edited 64 push mode
* added proper loadscreen
Original map by: Ts4EVER
--- Quote from: Original description ---On the evening of 15 December, the 26th Volksgrenadier established an outpost line on the west bank of the Our. The Germans attacked swiftly, their advances made possible by sheer weight of numbers. Worried about the threat to its left flank in Bastogne, the German army organized a major combined arms attack to seize Noville. By the time the 1st Battalion pulled out of Noville on the 20th, it had lost 13 officers and 199 enlisted men, out of about 600 troops.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full botsupport for edited 32 push mode (attack as Germans)
* added full botsupport for edited 64 mode (attack as US)
* added full botsupport for edited 16 mode - Nighttime/weather
* fixed water issues
* edited lighting
Original map by: FHT Devs
--- Quote from: Original description ---Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorzeny had become one of Hitler's favorites following the success of "Operation Panzerfaust" in which he had supervised the kidnapping of Miklós Horthy, Jr., the son of Hungary's Regent. Skorzeny was to form a special brigade - Panzer Brigade 150 - for a very special purpose: "I want you to command a group of American and British troops and get them across the Meuse and seize one of the bridges. Not, my dear Skorzeny, real Americans or British. I want you to create special units wearing American and British uniforms. They will travel in captured Allied tanks. Think of the confusion you could cause! I envisage a whole string of false orders which will upset communications and attack morale.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full botsupport for edited 64 mode
Original map by: Ts4EVER , modified by FHT Devs
--- Quote from: Original description ---Operation North Wind (Unternehmen Nordwind) was the last major German offensive of World War II on the Western Front. The objective was simple. The offensive was to break through the lines of the Allied Army in the Upper Vosges mountains and the Alsatian Plain, and destroy them. This would leave the way open for Operation Dentist (Unternehmen Zahnarzt), a planned major thrust into the rear of the U.S. 3rd Army. The U.S. VI Corps which bore the brunt of the German attacks was fighting on three sides by 15 January. With casualties mounting, and running severely short on reinforcements, tanks, ammunition, and supplies, Eisenhower, fearing the outright destruction of the U.S. 7th Army, rushed divisions hurriedly relieved from the Ardennes, southeast over 100 km, to reinforce the 7th Army.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* added full botsupport for edited 64 mode
* edited lighting
Original map by: FHT Devs
--- Quote from: Original description ---As part of General Patton's Third United States Army, the 94th Infantry Division was known as 'Patton's Golden Nugget'. Moving east, the division relieved the 90th Infantry Division on 7 January 1945, taking positions in the Saar-Moselle Triangle south of Wasserbillig, facing the Siegfried Switch Line. Fresh for the fight, the 94th shifted to the offensive, 14 January, seizing Tettingen and Butzdorf that day. On the 20th, an unsuccessful battalion attack against Orscholz, eastern terminus of the switch position, resulted in loss of most of two companies. In early February, the division took Campholz Woods and seized Sinz.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff fixed
* edited 64 push mode (attack as Germans)
* edited 32 mode (attack as US)
* added proper loadscreen
Original map by: aserafimov
--- Quote from: Original description ---Operation Veritable, also known as the Battle of the Reichswald, was the northern part of an Allied pincer movement that took place between 8 February and 11 March 1945 during the final stages of the Second World War. The objective of the operation was to clear German forces from the area between the Rhine and Maas rivers, east of the German/Dutch frontier, in the Rhineland.The Allied advance proceeded more slowly than expected and at greater cost. The delay had allowed German forces to be concentrated against the Anglo-Canadian advance and the local German commander, Alfred Schlemm acting against the assessments of his superiors, had strengthened the Siegfried Line defences and had fresh elite troops readily available to him.
--- End quote ---
* python stuff added
* finished a few things, polished a few things
* created 64 push mode (attack as Canadians)
* added botsupport
* added proper loadscreen/minimap/description
Original map by: sn00x
serversettingson request
--- Quote from: Ivancic1941 on 23-11-2014, 19:11:41 ---So i need only to download this stuf and copy it to fh2 level directory and start like coop in local multiplayer?
--- End quote ---
Thats right, the maps will be there to choose in every available layout. If you download the exe you don't even have to copy anything it will install it right where the stuff belongs, if everything works as intended.
Thank you! I shall download that lovely map-pack right away. I truly appreciate your work and am looking forward to seeing the different times of day and weather versions. May I suggest a 64 Battle of Keren night layer? I do not think that the standard 32 layer does it justice with it's small size.
Cool maps, would it be possible for the FH2 servers to add these into the map list?
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