Let me first start out by saying that I love PDH and I think it's a beautifully made map. Aesthetics aside though, I kind of don't have much fun playing it when it comes up in the rotation. I really WANT to love this map but I think the huge amount of spam and run/gun detracts from the experience quite a bit.
The combination of 64 players + grenades +rifle grenades + mortars + commander artillery all in a relatively small area is a potent mixture of spam. It makes it hard for the battle to have any organization or coherence. Especially when the battle reaches the Destroyed Bunker, the game degenerates to charging, throwing nades, and dying. ALOT. It's a shame because there are lots of possibilities, but when people are dying constantly, often a second or two after spawning they tend not to care anymore about working together or preserving tickets.
So with my complaints over, what suggestions do you all have to reduce the spam on this map? I figured it might be most beneficial for everyone to put in their two cents.