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Topics - Markuss_X1

Pages: 1 2 [3]
I understand statistics do not work on all servers with the official statistics?

General Discussion / Incorrect nicknames
« on: 26-06-2012, 13:06:53 »
The question, Is there a game with such nicknames violation?
And if it is a violation of what to do?
Ban forever or what?

Suggestions / Recognition of "friend or foe"
« on: 20-06-2012, 11:06:45 »
With the emergence of server VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU got a lot of new players in the fashion in which there is a problem with the recognition of fighters on friend or foe.
That is, the indicator shows a soldier with a delay, which leads to Teamkills.
Of course we need to use the radar which shows where and where your wrong, but this is a beginner does not always work.
According to this with the advent of the next version prshu take this into account.

1.Start June 18th at 00:00 GMT
2.B depending on the number wishing to attend the number of participants will be 16, 32 or 64 fighter.
3.Players are split into a pair of rivals.
4.Win soldier who killed the first enemy 5 times.
Winners of pairs again are divided into pairs, and so long as there will be a man.
6.Na each tour is given for three days.
7.Applications for the tournament in this reserve to write a play where the nickname.
8.Uchastniki couples negotiate their own time and place of the duel.
  I recommend using a server VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU, as on the server and stored the last 50 rounds (as recorded rosmatrivat rounds look in the description of the server)
9.Start of the tournament, provided a minimum of 16 participants.

1 Tour, List of players:

By studying and playing the mod Forgotten Hope 2.4, I was faced with the fact that some soldiers do not wish to if your server has a lot of North African Maps
I would like to know, is it really that opinion or the opinion of men uuzkoy group of players?

Therefore, creating the next survey;
What is the ratio of servers to put in mapplisteI asked for a reason and due to the fact that I am a server administrator VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU
And I'll bet mapplist considering the results of the vote. map of the West and the North African Front?
Also, anytime you can change your poll results.[/img] VS [url=]

File server-data.tht downloaded and installed on the server in a folder mods/fh2.
The computer rebooted.
Statistics do not.

This tex read, but I do not understand because of all the interpreter.
For example, What settings are needed and which are not needed.

Please help me.

As we have already noticed some people on the Russian space appeared the server VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU In this regard, there is the question; How to fix a function of time before dvoynogootscheta revival? I understand there are times when, after the death of a soldier is a two-time reference. And it seems at first reading on the left of the original game where there is a medic who can revive the warrior. But in the fashion doctor can not revive the fight


Info look here;
IP : или
Server : VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU

Инфо смотрим тут;
IP : или
Сервер : VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU


12 июня запустился сервер VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU (со статистикой) мода Forgotten Hope 2.4 на одном из самых популярных русскоязычных ресурсов.
А это значит хороший пинг для русскоязычного населения и команда русскоговорящих бойцов.

Информацию по моду на русском языке (скачать файлы, прочитать подробное описание вооружения, как и зачем пользоваться тем или иным видом вооружения, техники и спецсредствами) смотрим здесь :

June 12, will run the server VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU (with statistics) Forgotten Hope 2.4 mod on one of the most popular Russian-language resources.
And that means a good ping for Russian-speaking population and a team of Russian-speaking men.

For information on fashion in Russian (download the files, read the detailed description of the weapon, how and why to use one or another kind of weapons, equipment and special facilities) look here: :

На сервере VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU записываются и сохраняются последние 50 раундов.


 Внимание !
Время старта раундов в летописи и в демозаписях могут отличаться до нескольких минут.
 Demo - файлы качаем и ложим сюда :
 Windows XP -
C:\Documents and Settings\Имя Пользователя\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\Default\Demos
 Windows 7
C:\Users\Администратор\Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\Default\Demos
 (Если нет папки Demos, создайте её в ручную)
1.Запустить игру.
2. Нажимаем COMMUNITY.
3. Появляется две колонки. В правой колонке BATTLERECORDER LIBRARY нажимаете на демку два раза.

4.Нажимаем Play File.
5.Ждем окончания загрузки и смотрим.
Управление Демками:
Правая кнопка мыши - переключение вида от игрока и вида общей камеры.
"W, A, D (Z- вверх)"- W, A, S, D, Ctrl, и Shift - двигает камеру вокруг карты , впереди , слева , позади , справа , снизу и сверху.
"Пробел" - переключение между игроками.
"Q" Выбор скорости (отключение изображения курсора)
"1" - стоп.
"2" - реальная скорость.
"3" - замедление 5 %
"4" - замедление 25 %
"5" - замедление 50 %
"6" - реальная скорость
"7" - быстро 150 %.
"8" - быстро 300 %.
"9" - ещё быстрее.
Отмотки назад нет.
Mouse Wheel ("Колёсико Мыши") - Приближение и отдаление обзора камеры
Так же при нажатии "Q" на мониторе проподает изображение курсора.
Если нажать "T" то можно выбрать предыдущего игрока.

VBIOS FH2 | UA-RU record and preserve the last 50 rounds.


Time in the title of the demo files UTC/GMT 3 ч.

Start time of rounds in the chronicles and demos may vary up to several minutes.
 Demo - swing and we put the files here:
 Windows XP -
C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ My Documents \ Battlefield 2 \ Profiles \ Default \ Demos
 Windows 7
C: \ Users \ Administrator \ Documents \ Battlefield 2 \ Profiles \ Default \ Demos
 (If no folder Demos, create it manually)
1.Zapustit game.
Three. There is two columns. In the right column BATTLERECORDER LIBRARY click on the demo twice.

4.Press Play File.
5.Wait the download and watch.
Office of demos:
Right mouse button - to switch the form of the player and the type of the common chamber.
"W, A, D (Z-Up)" - W, A, S, D, Ctrl, and Shift - move the camera around the map, in front, from left, back, right, top and bottom.
"Space" - switching between players.
"Q" speed selection (cursor off the image)
"1" - stop.
"2" - the actual speed.
"3" - 5% slowdown
"4" - 25% slower
"5" - 50% slower
"6" - the actual speed
"7" - 150% quickly.
"8" - 300% quickly.
"9" - even faster.
No rollback ago.
Mouse Wheel ("Mouse Wheel") - zoom in and out of the camera
Just when you press the "Q" on the monitor propodaet cursor image.
If you press the "T" you can select the previous player.

Suggestions / Tournament card mapplist.
« on: 07-06-2012, 08:06:42 »
Tournament card mapplist.
Offered in the following maps include maps tournament.
For example both cards where the washing large number of fighters to fight in tanks - tank map, on airplanes - airplane map, boating.
and so on.
I am sure that there is a server or a group of fighters who will be interested in this idea.
Just want to clarify that there can be at what you do not put the card tournament planes on both sides who have a pilot + arrow keys?

For the convenience of downloading, I placed one hand, all torrent file mod Forgotten Hope 2.45

Forgotten_Hope_2.45_1_of_2.exe 1.64 GB (1768381782)
Forgotten_Hope_2.45_2_of_2.exe 2.53 GB (2721288904)

At the moment there is already a sufficient number of sides with good speed.

Suggestions / Why is there no Russians
« on: 03-06-2012, 21:06:20 »
I apologize for the clumsy as I am writing a post through an interpreter!

Russian-speaking population is a very big part of people playing online games and fashion Battlefild 2. Your fashion is also very popular among Russian-speaking population, but among us - the Russian-speaking population is often a conversation on the topic: Why are not presented in a fashion Russians. Indeed, in the territory of the Soviet Union was more than half the battle in the Second World

Уважаемые модераторы сделайте пожалуйста русскоязычный раздел (рус)
Dear moderators please do Russian language section (eng)

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