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Where did the Filefront Community go?

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They even had a spot for FH.....Found it about 10 hours before I found this site...

Sir Apple:
They said they're going to keep the FH subforums regardless of FH moving to another forum/host.   ;D

I pasted links to a bunch of refugee sites on the FH blog:

Just read through the comments.

Admiral Donutz:
THe blog was a fine temporary solution even though I "couldn't"  post there since I had no account and didn't feel like making one. But it doesn't really contain much if anything regarding the survival of GF. So...


--- Quote from: Admiral Donutz on 30-03-2009, 03:03:05 --- But it doesn't really contain much if anything regarding the survival of GF. So...

--- End quote ---

I'll just quote the highlights of what I said then..

Quote from n0e:
"Hey all. I know many of you have eagerly been awaiting any sort of news as to what is going on and what we plan to do for the future.

To those that don't know I, along with a tremendous amount of help from folks like Phenix, and Ronnie are making backups of all of the network sites and we plan on moving to a new network of fan sites that will be open soon. For legal reasons we may not be able to include the items such as reviews, potd's and other various bits of information on the sites. However, with the permission of the modders we will retain all of the files. Those who do not wish to continue having their files hosted on the new network need only contact me after the first of the sites are online. I'll see to it that they are promptly removed per your request. We will not hassle you about it or tell you to '***** off'. Just remember that we're restoring a database so please don't get upset after seeing them initially. We respect your copyrights.

There will be forums up and running sometime hopefully next week. When they are up I will provide a link here so you know where to go from then on. I certainly hope to see many familiar faces and even new ones. There will be a clean slate for those coming back as well. If you were banned for whatever reason, you are allowed to return and given a second chance.

The new network and forums will have one more thing that I'm sure will make everyone happy. There will be NO corporate involvement. Things will be run by people who actually play games for people who play games.

I'll have more news for everyone as it's available. I wish to thank everyone for their continued patience and I'm certainly cannot wait to have the good parts of FileFront return while just trimming out the bad.

Jeff 'n0e' Mills"

Twitter page that shows the status of the new filefront site and the backup progress:

Exiled gamers, which has been posted before:

And the rogue forums, which has also been posted before:


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