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Messages - sniper77shot

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Off-Topic / Re: Battle Dex
« on: 01-07-2011, 19:07:48 »
I love how they try to make it appear as an action intense game when it isn't.

I believe it is also legal in the Netherlands. It is hard to get to that point. I believe it still is not 100% sure though.

Don't companies make records of their designs? Can't you recreate them or is that too costly?

Suggestions / Re: FH2 Alpenfestung
« on: 25-05-2011, 22:05:18 »
Alpenfestung or something similar is coming.
Newsflash: Rockets were actually used in large numbers during the second world war. They were not some kind of secret weapons.

I know but thats not the point.

Suggestions / Re: FH2 Alpenfestung
« on: 25-05-2011, 02:05:32 »
Alpenfestung or something similar is coming.

Suggestions / Re: FH2 Alpenfestung
« on: 25-05-2011, 00:05:02 »
For this week's update, we have the Willys MB Calliope to show off, otherwise known as the "Rocket Willy"!

It's a sign!

Suggestions / Re: FH2 Alpenfestung
« on: 11-05-2011, 23:05:16 »

Maybe prototype helicopters and this!

Suggestions / Re: FH2 Alpenfestung
« on: 11-05-2011, 23:05:28 »
I got an even better idea, a secret soviet research base in the heart of Siberia with Germans attacking it(with a maus :D).

Can't you make it through the same model with the same in game name, but make it actually have different coding after being thrown to lower the time before it explodes?

Suggestions / Re: US in North Africa
« on: 28-04-2011, 02:04:17 »
Just wondering, how hard would it be to make maps and skin US forces for the north africa theatre? it would be nice to see a game or mod in this case pay tribute to those American GIs who fought and died in north africa.

Americans are pretty much in every single fps, I hope you know that more than just Americans died in ww2.

I suggest you make a website for all your suggestions. Some are really great, just see if they are possible before posting.

A teletubby was in an office building and than some guy came jumping out of a window and then died. A bit odd but whatever lol.

Suggestions / Re: Garand rapid fire
« on: 11-04-2011, 02:04:07 »
Not a good idea, it is fine as it is.

Bug Reporting / Re: Singling Out Bug
« on: 06-04-2011, 03:04:12 »
Video of the ghost weapon might help?

Modding / Re: How to become invincible
« on: 05-04-2011, 23:04:56 »
GeometryTemplate.setSubGeometryLodDistance 1 0 10
GeometryTemplate.setSubGeometryLodDistance 1 1 20 aa_nco_soldier
ObjectTemplate.networkableInfo BasicInfo
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
rem ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.collisionGroups 16
ObjectTemplate.CullRadiusScale 6
ObjectTemplate.castsDynamicShadow 1
ObjectTemplate.aiTemplate Soldier

ObjectTemplate.inventorySize 10

ObjectTemplate.manDownCameraOffsetInDof 0.1
ObjectTemplate.manDownCameraOffsetInUp  0.1
ObjectTemplate.ragdollLandedDelay 4

ObjectTemplate.drag 1.0
ObjectTemplate.mass 100
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasResponsePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.SprintRecoverTime 1
ObjectTemplate.SprintDissipationTime 99
ObjectTemplate.SprintLimit 0.05
ObjectTemplate.SprintLossAtJump 0.01
rem ObjectTemplate.Grip 20

rem ---BeginComp:Armor ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent Armor
ObjectTemplate.armor.maxHitPoints 99999999
ObjectTemplate.armor.hitPoints 99999999
ObjectTemplate.armor.wreckhitpoints 320
ObjectTemplate.armor.defaultMaterial 24
ObjectTemplate.armor.explosionForceMod 25
ObjectTemplate.armor.explosionForceMax 1000
ObjectTemplate.armor.TimeToStayAsWreck 30
ObjectTemplate.armor.timeToStayafterDestroyed 1
ObjectTemplate.armor.angleMod 1
ObjectTemplate.armor.wreckExplosionForceMod 0
ObjectTemplate.armor.wreckExplosionForceMax 0
ObjectTemplate.armor.criticalDamage 25
ObjectTemplate.armor.hpLostWhileCriticalDamage 0.4
ObjectTemplate.armor.addArmorEffect 25 e_dstate_soldier_near_death 0/0/0 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.armor.addArmorEffect 0 e_bloodpuddle 0/0/0 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.armor.addArmorEffectSpectacular 0 e_bloodpuddle 0/0/0 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.armor.addArmorEffect -1 e_bloodpuddle 0/0/0 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.armor.addArmorEffectSpectacular -1 e_bloodpuddle 0/0/0 0/0/0
rem ---EndComp ---

rem ---BeginComp:Radio ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent Radio
ObjectTemplate.Radio.spottedMessage infantry_spotted
rem ---EndComp ---

ObjectTemplate.collisionMesh Soldier_CollisionMesh
rem *** Animation ****
ObjectTemplate.skeleton1P Objects/Soldiers/Common/Animations/1p_setup.ske
ObjectTemplate.skeleton3P Objects/Soldiers/Common/Animations/3p_setup.ske
ObjectTemplate.animationSystem1P Objects/Soldiers/Common/Animations/
ObjectTemplate.animationSystem3P Objects/Soldiers/Common/Animations/
rem Stand
ObjectTemplate.poseCameraPosition 0 0/0.47/0.1
rem Crouch
ObjectTemplate.poseCameraPosition 1 0/-0.05/0.1
rem Prone
ObjectTemplate.poseCameraPosition 2 0/-0.63/0.1

rem boneName, material, offset, radius, length
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone left_upperleg 24 0/0.03/0 0.09 -0.35
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone right_upperleg 24 0/0.03/0 0.09 0.35

ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone left_lowerleg 77 0/0.03/0.02 0.08 -0.32
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone right_lowerleg 77 0/0.03/0.02 0.08 0.32

ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone head 25 0/-0.02/0.02 0.07 -0.08
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone spine2 24 0/-0.05/-0.03 0.15 -0.16
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone spine3 24 0/-0.03/0.02 0.16 -0.05

ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone right_shoulder 77 0.01/0.03/0 0.06 0.2
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone right_low_arm 77 -0.01/0.03/0 0.045 0.18

ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone left_shoulder 77 0.01/0.03/0 0.06 -0.2
ObjectTemplate.setSkeletonCollisionBone left_low_arm 77 -0.01/0.03/0 0.045 -0.18

ObjectTemplate.addTemplate SoldierCamera
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/4.1/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate e_sold_swim S_aa_nco_soldier_Death
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.soundFilename Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying1.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying2.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying3.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying4.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying5.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying6.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying7.ogg,Common/Sound/FH2British/local/dying8.ogg
ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1
ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1
ObjectTemplate.volume 1
ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 0.8
ObjectTemplate.position 0/0.8/0
ObjectTemplate.pitch 0.94
ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.98/1.03/
ObjectTemplate.volumeEnvelope 0/1/0/1/0/0/
ObjectTemplate.minDistance 2
ObjectTemplate.halfVolumeDistance 6 S_aa_nco_soldier_Revive
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.soundFilename Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Cough/cough_01.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Cough/cough_02.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Cough/cough_03.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Cough/cough_04.wav
ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1
ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1
ObjectTemplate.volume 0.75
ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 0.8
ObjectTemplate.position 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.pitch 0.88
ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.85/0.88/
ObjectTemplate.volumeEnvelope 0/1/0/1/0/0/
ObjectTemplate.minDistance 1.5 S_aa_nco_soldier_Swim
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.soundFilename Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_stroke_01.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_stroke_02.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_stroke_03.wav
ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1
ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1
ObjectTemplate.volume 0.86
ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 0.8
ObjectTemplate.position 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.99/1.01/
ObjectTemplate.minDistance 2 S_aa_nco_soldier_Swim_Sprint
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.soundFilename Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_sprint_01.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_sprint_02.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_sprint_03.wav
ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1
ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1
ObjectTemplate.volume 0.96
ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 0.8
ObjectTemplate.position 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.99/1.01/
ObjectTemplate.minDistance 2 S_aa_nco_soldier_Swim_Still
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.soundFilename Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_still_01.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_still_02.wav,Objects/Soldiers/Common/Sound/Swim/swim_still_03.wav
ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1
ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1
ObjectTemplate.volume 0.73
ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 0.8
ObjectTemplate.position 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.99/1.01/
ObjectTemplate.minDistance 1.5

The edited parts are in red as a bonus with this you have almost unlimited sprint. This is for the NCO from the British army that I edited.

As well if you want to edit guns so they have unlimited ammo, follow this guide.

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