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Messages - Pascucci the Whiner

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Off-Topic / Re: Tragedy and gun violence
« on: 30-01-2013, 01:01:14 »

Woohoo! Bring more innocent deaths!

Good thing this guy defended his house from lost people!

 I don't understand why Europeans think they belong talking about American policy that they can not change. Yes, I'm not totally against more background checking, but being so naive as to think that putting up a global gun ban here will end the issue, is idiotic.

Simply put, it won't work in the US, in the end a complete and total ban would probably lead to more violence than we have ever seen before here. Most gun owners would refuse to give up their guns, many would retaliate violently and most others would hide the ones they own. We have so many guns per capita that attempting to track them down and effectively seize them by force would be impossible to do. In the US we have culture conflicts that Europe doesn't have simply because European populations, no matter how heterogeneous they may seem, are nowhere near as diverse as the population of the United States. Yes, it may sound primitive, but when such different cultures collide and when many insist on holding onto older, more primeval customs and traditions, violence is unavoidable.

As terrible as it sounds, the only way things will change here will be to wait it out. Trying to rapidly force change is a stupid decision when it is actually already starting to happen at a visible rate. Things will get better in the United States, other cultures are slowly becoming more accepted in most of the country and differences are no longer being frowned upon. The subculture of violence is slowly tearing itself to pieces and in it's place minorities are now joining the American middle class and integrating with other groups. Everyone needs to calm down and wait, posting shit about how we could change will not change anything, people need to start dealing with their own issues as individuals before attacking the values of another country. Wish more Americans would.

Off-Topic / Re: Tragedy and gun violence
« on: 29-01-2013, 20:01:39 »
Smoking is a bad comparison, smoking typically kills the smoker, while second hand smoke may be a problem, it isn't a severe one. Alcohol not only can kill the user, but kills thousands of innocent people every year due to drunk drivers alone. Just because alcohol is considered fun, doesn't make the deaths it causes any better than those caused by weapons.

Of course alcohol has uses, I'm referring to the drinking of it, not it's use a disinfectant. Also, the alcohol being healthy thing has mostly been proven to by myth, it is better than drinking polluted water, but do we only have polluted water to drink anymore?

I'm not saying that is should be banned, I'm against banning it, but if our governments truly cared about our safety and welfare as they claim to, it would be viewed as massive a concern as firearms are. Say what you will, but there are other reasons for the banning of firearms other than public safety. If public safety was the chief concern here, you'd see other restrictions as strict as firearms laws.

Off-Topic / Re: Tragedy and gun violence
« on: 29-01-2013, 18:01:16 »
I have a better comparison; alcohol. What is the use of alcohol? It certainly isn't necessary or healthy, in fact it is mostly dangerous. If we don't need guns, then why do we need alcohol? Alcohol kills thousands, upon thousands of innocent people every year, averaging on around 10000 people getting killed by drunk drivers on average, every year, in the US alone. This would make drunk drivers almost as dangerous as people killed with firearms by another person (not suicides). The car argument is a stupid one, by the way, this one is better and harder to fight against. Alcohol has no more use than firearms, the "it makes money, is fun and part of are culture" excuses are all some of the same ones given in favor of firearms ownership. I'm not in favor of banning either, but if we ban one in the favor of public safety, if the government really cares about our safety, we should ban the other.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 21-01-2013, 04:01:37 »
I just started watching episode 5 of season 2 tonight myself, good show.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 30-09-2012, 04:09:50 »
Why are almost all religious fanatics ugly people? I live in a village with quite a few hardcore christians. All the women look like %^&**( and the guys also look like beaten pigs. At my uni the scarfed women are pale/white and full with skin handicaps. The only girls i know who pull it off are the free ones who once in history have been subjected to brainwashes and kitchen talk, but now ae in their full beauty.

The men tend to take care of themself a lot better when they age than the girlz.

Nice try at lying. You're just sad because they won't consider you and you'll only have access to sluts all your life.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 24-09-2012, 00:09:00 »
Sorry, I was offended by his values.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 23-09-2012, 23:09:31 »
I sure hope so.

Hope you get cancer from her.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 23-09-2012, 22:09:28 »
Lol gods were in favor for me last night. Hot blond chick kablam, my mate scored kablam, other mates birthday (hedidnt get lucky ;() and a random other girl messaged me. Woopie.

She's probably a disgusting slut.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 23-09-2012, 06:09:46 »
When I try to distance myself from a girl, but she kept coming back at me, what is it?

That's because you are a pervert.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 18-09-2012, 17:09:33 »
Maybe if you shot yourself in the foot you wouldn't feel so depressed Smiles.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 13-09-2012, 06:09:21 »
Daw, Smiles is sad!

Off-Topic / Re: Incoming elections US
« on: 07-09-2012, 23:09:23 »
Funniest thing about these threads is that 80% of the guys who discuss the stuff here aren't even US citizens. ^^

I think we stopped giving a crap years ago.

This. Personally I think Obama is a socialist and Romney is a religious nut job. I hate socialists and I hates religious whack jobs. End.

Suggestions / Removal of Tank Siren
« on: 14-07-2012, 00:07:05 »
I'm loving the patch, but I've found one thing that is both annoying and highly unrealistic. When a tank gets to critical status a very loud and annoying alarm goes off. In all my research I've never found any evidence pointing to tanks ever having alarm sirens and having to drive the thing back to base listening to that thing was very irritating. I love the other damage effects , but surely there must be another more realistic and annoying way of warning the player that his or her tank is in critical condition? How about more smoke or making the view of the player look like he his bleeding. If an alarm is required how about making it the sound of a tank crewman yelling to bail out or that the tank has been hit?

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 06-07-2012, 15:07:09 »

Guys, do you think this laptop would run FH2 OK and ArmA II on its lowest settings? I need one for school and am working off of a very limited budget, being able to play games is a secondary objective, but it sure would be nice if it could!

I really don't like when games and shows and such try to place the Russians as the "good guys."  They were bad guys just like the Nazis, only they were on the good side.  I would not call placing all of eastern europe under a tyrannical yoke that kills millions over it's history "good."

Of course Russia wasn't "good" but I'd certainly consider them better than Germany. Most Russian soldiers fought to defend their nation at least, they may have committed many terrible crimes, but in the end everything that happened can and should be blamed on Germany. Germany invaded Russia, yes Russia quite possibly would have invaded Europe anyway and probably intended on gaining more ground, but either way German enabled Russia to do what they did. Russian warcrimes were not justified, but had Germany not invaded Russia those that happened outside of Russia with the exception of those that happened in Finland and Poland in 1939 very well may not have happened and had German won, I'm quite sure the fate of those countries in Eastern Europe would have made what the Russians did to them look good. But yeah, calling them the good guys is retarded never the less.

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