So I'm creating a satirical persona which is a reference to Hitler (I want to make clear that I do not agree with his views, it's just for comical purposes) and so I've ordered someone to make a uniform for me similar to a Waffen SS Uniform. Im Portuguese so the persona I'm creating is named "Henrique O Horrível" (which is Harry The Horrible in English.)
I would like to know your opinion about my uniform and consider that the insignias on it were designed by me, so here's the first picture:
Second picture:
Third picture:
And the last one:
So here's the meaning of both symbols: the crossed "S" symbol means "S.S." wich stands for "Secções de Segurança" (Security Sections in english) and the other symbols are crossed "H's" with a "O" in the middle, wich stands for "Henrique O Horrivel".
What do you guys think? (p.s. this satirical persona will be portuguese only, I tougth on making it international but it wouldnt work well :p )