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Topics - aserafimov

Pages: [1]
Singleplayer and Coop / Singleplayer in Forgotten Hope 2.54
« on: 26-10-2018, 09:10:32 »
Hello guys,
Singleplayer Change logs:

Lenino 64p / Lenino 32p

The 64p single player version of Lenino was too memory heavy and caused memory CTD after 15-20 minutes playing. I changed the 64 layer to the above version in order to have a stable SP layer. As you can see there is no planes for Germans. Poles will have Polikarov to fight against the Ferdinand, which spawns as a reinforcement when Poles capture first two flags.

Studienka 64p / Studienka 32p

Post here your suggestion and feedback. Thanks!

Modding / Stoumont 1944, FH2 custom map
« on: 31-12-2013, 08:12:54 »
Hi all,

Before few days I searched in the network for some Brecourt Manor references, found several amazing videos of DH mod maps Stavelot and Stoumont. So I decided to do Stoumont since Stavelot requires more specific buildings. The book "Duel in the mist" will be my reference for this map. The progress will be slow till I finish Brecourt Manor.

Print screens from the Editor:

Modding / Operation Sonnenwende, (map)
« on: 26-12-2012, 21:12:16 »
Map Name: Operation Sonnenwende / Operation Solstice
Size: 512x512
Atmosphere: Day
Gameplay Type: Axis Attack
Equipment Type: Infantry/Armour
Teams: USSR - 2nd Guard Army | Germany - XXXIX Panzer Corps

The area in which the battle was fought is Pomerania. Poland.
This map will be based on the capture of Sallenthin by the XXXIX Panzer Corps.

Download link:

Modding / Brecourt Manor, custom map
« on: 30-01-2011, 11:01:28 »
I am on my way to finish Longues sur Mer, after the last changes and the really final release will be soon.

My next project is called Brecourt Manor... ;D

Singleplayer and Coop / Longues sur Mer, single player
« on: 27-11-2010, 08:11:00 »
Hello to everyone, I am back after some pc/bf2 problems.
I would like to show you over what I am working.
The map is created by me, still is not lightmaped.
added infantry and vehicle navmesh, but I have to improve it.
soon I will release files for testing and will ask you to share your opinion and suggestions with me. :P

some wip screens:

Singleplayer and Coop / Skirmish_Bloody_Beach
« on: 25-09-2010, 08:09:00 »
leGriffu's bloody beach map already has bot support,....but still very wip.
some screens:

Modding / Longues Sur Mer, custom map
« on: 01-08-2010, 09:08:20 »

Here is the start of a new project: Longues Sur Mer, status WIP

"Situated west of Arromanches-les-Bains in Normandy, Longues-sur-Mer overlooked the ocean from the top of a 65 meters height cliff, a perfect position where the Germans had installed a four 150 mm guns battery. On 6 June 1944, at 5:30 am several allied battle ships opened fire on the battery. When the Allied Armada was on sight, the German heavy guns striked back. The HMS Ajax concentrated his fire on the German battery at one kilometre range. The battery stopped bombing a short time, but fire started again and the position shelled the Landing ships until 5 pm.The battery surrendered to the British troops the next day with the 184 men garrison."

Singleplayer and Coop / 3inch mortar, problem
« on: 23-07-2010, 21:07:17 »

Here's what I noticed during my work over 64-size Villers Bocage

when I am firing with the german mortar all is OK...I mean:
 + degree elevation is close range fire and the shell explodes in front of me(1st photo);
 - degree elevation is long range fire(2nd photo);

german mortar:

let's now looked at the brit 3inch mortar:

+ degree elevation is close range fire, but it fires as a long range fire, you cannot see shell explosion(1st photo);

- degree elevation is long range fire, but it fires as a close range fire(2nd photo)...also the shell does not explode in front of you...but in left of you???(3rd photo)

brit mortar:

please, could someone fix it?
it appeared when I installed the last Drawde's update, I am not 100% sure, but in previous version of Drawde's mod all was OK with the mortras

Singleplayer and Coop / Falaise Pocket 2.26
« on: 21-06-2010, 23:06:41 »
I just did navmesh for infantry and vehicles for the map falaise pocket 2.26, 64-size

Singleplayer and Coop / Villers Bocage
« on: 04-06-2010, 19:06:21 »

the bots are available already...

Singleplayer and Coop / Lebisey
« on: 29-05-2010, 19:05:53 »

I have a question about Combat Area of this map( this question is valid for all fh2 maps without SP)

Is the box "UsedByPathFinding" has been marked, when the combat area has been created?

Today I have added SP for Lebisey 16, but I have deleted existing CA and I have added new one.
Here you could see some screens:

Suggestions / Mauser K98 iron sight, MP40 iron sight
« on: 06-09-2009, 12:09:01 »
First I would like to say that I am impressed from an new release, expecially from the weapons 3d iron sights.
But I think that the rifle should be a bit more closer to the aiming eye, the same is for the MP40... it is just my opinion..
for example I show you BGF iron sights of these weapons..

This is Stalingrad City

This is my map Pavlov's House

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