Author Topic: Siege of Tobruk 64  (Read 23773 times)

Offline Matthew_Baker

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Re: Siege of Tobruk 64
« Reply #30 on: 06-02-2014, 18:02:46 »
Haven't had a chance to give this map much feedback since 2.45. I'll start where Chrisite left off because he was pretty thorough.

So, how do we make this all more fun?

Secondly, change the cap radius of the final flag. Almost unbelievably, the flag zone makes it simple for Germans to cap but near enough impossible for allies to recap, since there are a dozen buildings on the German side of the flag that infantry can hide in (with zero HE ability for the 3 of the 4 Allied tanks, meaning those infantry must be cleared out manually, and done with the what, 11 or 12 seconds you have to recap?). Half the time the minimap makes it so awkward you can't tell what's just spawned or even tell the enemy has captured the flag if you didn't hear the "We're getting fucked over" or notice your tickets suddenly evaporating. Requiring the Australians desperately trying to recap the last flag to run across wide open desert (immediately, because the tickets go down FAST), while the Germans get some cozy buildings to drink stolen tea in seems an unnecessary kick in the nuts.

I can agree with this as one of the reasons this map is a rape fest for the Aussies. Natty's idea to make it so the Germans have to cap the Aussies out is good in theory, but this last flag was never made as a capable flag, it was always an uncapable main base (or at least a flag the mapper never thought the teams would be fighting at) Making the flag radius bigger, as well as placing some more statics with the idea in mind that it's going to be a capable flag, would help make the fight at the last flag more fun. 

Thirdly, some edits to the vehicle load out.

1) Give the Aussies the Matilda the second the Germans have captured the first 3 flags. Nevermind only spawning it when all 3 first line and 1 second line flags are gone (and again, these conditions must be met before you can even begin to wait for the Matilda, it isn't automatic).

This would really help the counter attack. The Matilda is great but it can barely spawn in with all the arty and bombs, let alone be moved out of the base to help any sort of counter attack.

2) Give the Aussies an extra M11/39 and M13/40, both spawning at middle flags. These tanks are still likely to be killed quickly, but at least the Aussies can have some front line armor support at the start of the map.

I have no problems with more tanks for the aussies, maybe just one extra tho. Being able to get the Matilda out of the damn main base would help a lot for starters. :P

My only other changes would be against the overpowering bombs of the stuka and mc.200. With the breda AA being near useless, these two planes just dont let any tank support have any kind of effect for Australia. I would suggest a few things.

1) Take away the mc.200. The stuka is enough to take out the aussie tanks, and it gives the bredas a chance to keep it at bay.
2) Give maybe 1 or 2 bofors to the back line defenses. They're more powerful and more effective against the planes.

2) to add to either of these, I'd give the Australians some AA portees. Just being able to move my AA guns and not have flyboys who spend hours practicing just hit the known AA positions from beyond the fog would be a big help. Those AT trenches would be perfect spots for 1 or 2 bredas on the back of the Chevys.

and also unlimiting the engineer kit would be nice. Or put some tanker kits next to the tanks so people can fall back and repair.

Hope this map gets some love for the next release. 8)     

Offline Ivancic1941

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Re: Siege of Tobruk 64
« Reply #31 on: 07-05-2015, 08:05:16 »
What size is Siege of Tobruk 64?
Floppy Wardisc or Floppy Wierdbear

Offline Ivancic1941

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Re: Siege of Tobruk 64
« Reply #32 on: 07-05-2015, 23:05:57 »
Please :'(
Floppy Wardisc or Floppy Wierdbear

Offline Ts4EVER

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Re: Siege of Tobruk 64
« Reply #33 on: 07-05-2015, 23:05:03 »

Offline Ivancic1941

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Re: Siege of Tobruk 64
« Reply #34 on: 07-05-2015, 23:05:51 »
Floppy Wardisc or Floppy Wierdbear