Forgotten Hope 2 > General Discussion

Headtracking allowed?

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as a flight simmer I would like to use my headtracking setup in FH2 planes too. It works as follows:
I got a camera sitting on my monitor which tracks three LEDs that are mounted to my headset. My head movements are tracked via a software called opentrack and then translated to mouse movements.
Would that be fine or could someone get banned for that?

I will ask in the admin discord to see what they think. I don't know enough about flying to know if this is some kind of massive advantage tbh.

It IS an advantage to the default setup there is no denying that, you probably could get an equally good experience by taking the mouse in the left hand and binding throttle to the weel and free look on some other mouse button.
Headtracking still requires me to press the free look button for it to work in Battlefield; that is up to Bf 5, there an option to decouple the aircraft controls from the free look controls was introduced which allows nearly natural use of headtracking as it is common in flight sims which is really great, makes the cockpit view viable at last.

Consensus seems to be that it's fine, so knock yourself out.

Flippy Warbear:
For what its worth, would be helluva interesting to see video footage of this in action.


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