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Topics - Fearbefore.

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General Discussion / FH pet hates.
« on: 15-06-2009, 21:06:02 »
Don't say 'lag' or 'bailing KT', just post up minor annoyances that seem to keep happening to you. A few of mine are -

Being shot by someone you can see in your scope, just because they were a fraction of a second faster. Even more humbling when they aren't using a scoped rifle.

Getting knifed/shoveled while using a scout kit, which your killer then steals (meaning it won't respawn/won't respawn as fast).

Lazy teammates. At the top flag on Gazala last night, and Farticus rolls up to my position (not knowing I'm there) in a Crusader. He was there for roughly ten minutes, just mindlessly shooting things, while I relentlessly requested anti-tank support and air support. No one responded (about 30 people online) and I sat there in hiding watching plane after plane take off from our airfield, and it was not until I was the victim of a shot in the dark from the Crusader did someone finally ask me where he was. Naturally, almost every plane after that was shot down by the AA gun there.

Teammates that hitch a ride in your tank, then relentlessly fire the machine gun constantly. Annoying both because you can't hear any enemy tanks, but they certainly can hear and see you.

Teammates that hitch a ride in your StuG. Assuming you all know this, but the 3rd position in the StuG as a vehicle gives you a perfect 360 degree view of the battlefield, and also gives you the benefit of having your engine off and not making any noise. Naturally, should someone else be riding in your StuG as you're driving it, and you go to the 3rd spot to have a look around, they immediately hop into the first spot and drive off.

People that steal vehicles you're repairing.

People that try to hide with you when you're spotting arty or sniping.

When some jerkoff in a jeep drives past everybody on Arnhem and caps the last flag.  

The lame ambient sounds on Charlie Sector. Also, when some Americans cap the last flag there, now that I think about it.

Spammed radio commands.

People that claim the Faust/Schrek/Bazooka/PIAT are 'impossible to aim'.

People that don't understand the difference between tank destroyers, tanks, and artillery.

When the Lee Enfield No 4 is the only scoped rifle available to me. Just looks goofy.

What are some of yours?

Modding / Making your own FH1 map loading screens?
« on: 12-06-2009, 09:06:14 »
I know absolutely nothing about this, so - a) is this possible, b) does the FH team allow this if it's for your own personal use only, and c) is it complicated to do? I won't bother messing with it if I have to be extracting things and coding this and that, but if it's simply a matter of creating a picture file to the right dimensions I wouldn't mind giving this a shot.



Suggestions / 'Prize/Magpie' kits.
« on: 11-06-2009, 10:06:24 »
We all know that during the war, various items (including weapons) were kept as 'souvenirs', taken off dead enemies and kept by surviving soldiers. The most famous example of this, one most of us are probably familiar with, is American soldiers recovering Lugers from felled German officers. My suggestion is this, and I think it adds a nice touch of realism - we do a bit of research to find weapons that were commonly stolen from dead enemies, and occasionally, through either random spawning (think the M1 Carbine/Shotgun scenario) or through random pick-up kits placed by the devs in obscure parts of maps, a sort of small reward for the more adventurous soldier.

Say, for example, you might in one of the Normandy maps be off dicking around in the far corners of the forest and come across an American rifleman's kit, only it's got a Luger in it, in addition to the standard knife/Garand/nades/rifle nades. Or maybe in a Russian map you'd come across a kit that was completely German except for a liberated SVT40.

I don't know, what do you think?

General Discussion / Most loved and hated flags in FH1.
« on: 10-06-2009, 22:06:29 »
Obviously, post up your favorite and least favorite flags in FH1, why you like and hate them, etc.

For me, two stick out the most, and both I believe are only available through server side modding. First of all, it's the north eastern flag on Bocage. Not only do moron pilots often fly over it (it is lined up perfectly with the American airfield), making easy work for my Vierling, but it there are tons of hiding places around it for sniping, tank hunting and the like. Another bonus is that it's one of those flags that is never the center of attention during a battle, so usually what ends up happening (I am always German on Bocage) is some jerkoff in a jeep, duck, truck, or occasionally a tank will come burning along out of the trees, across the wide open grass towards the flag, hoping to secure a few easy points, and BAM! Easy fuckin' pickings.

My other favorite flag is quite similar, and that is the north west flag on Gazala, which I believe is called 'Abandoned British Airfield'. This one is equally fun regardless of which side you are on. There is a scout kit, a dynamite kit, a medic kit, two anti-tank guns (one facing the British main, one facing the German main), a Ju 88 spawns there alongside twelve rifleman paratrooper kits, and an AA gun. Much like the Bocage flag, it is one removed from the majority of the fighting, and few things in FH1 fill me with the smugness I get from hauling a Boys rifle to one of the craters just off from that flag, and blowing up some Kubelwagen/Opel jockey looking for a quick two points.

My two least favorite flags have to the bridge flag on Ramelle-Neuville, as even though the Allies' bomber kit will make quick work of whoever camps the StuG/Tiger on the bridge, the kit (as far as I'm aware) only seems to spawn when the Germans actually take the flag, which can take quite a while so many dumbass Americans seem to insist on mindlessly charging the Tiger that inevitably camps there with satchels and consequently preventing the Germans from capping it. The other flag I hate above all else is the German's northernmost inland flag on Omaha Charlie Sector, simply because EVERY FUCKING ROUND some douche bag on the American team will slip by everyone, cap that flag, and ruin the map.

So what's yours?

Suggestions / Easter Eggs you'd like to see.
« on: 06-06-2009, 23:06:24 »
Pretty self-explanatory, just post any easter eggs/funny bits you wouldn't mind finding when you get lost somewhere on a map. If I think of any decent ones I'll edit this post later.

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