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Messages - Rikupsoni

Pages: [1] 2
Off-Topic / Re: Nelson mandela is no more
« on: 07-12-2013, 05:12:53 »
A dark skinned person can not walk through Russia without being called an ape at least once a day, nor can a Muslim walk out of a mosque without being stared at, and neither can the Jews escape accusations of sacrificing human beings on their holidays. Anti-fascists, egalitarians, foreigners, they're all attacked as well.
Ironically you have a biased Western point of view here. You know, Muslims are only a minority in the West, on the global stage Islam is the largest religion in the world. Ask the persecuted Christian minority in Pakistan how tough it is to be a Muslim there.

Same applies to South Africa as well these days. It is not America or Europe. Whites are a minority, and not a privileged one anymore. There can be, and is, hateful attitudes against them too, besides that the general living conditions in SA are bad for everyone as well.

Off-Topic / Re: Nelson mandela is no more
« on: 06-12-2013, 21:12:41 »

Untrue.  South African whites are safe, mainly in gated communities.  Violence is not racial, it's crime.  And it's mainly black on black.  The danger is whites and coloured segregating themselves from blacks. 

Quite interesting you don't consider it racial violence. Indeed, are you not aware of the slogan "kill the boer, kill the farmer" (Reuters article) for which an ANC politician Peter Mokaba for example was convicted for inciting racial hatred?  Sure, there is a lot of general criminality in SA but this clearly is provoked by racial themes as well, and considering the Apartheid legacy it isn't really a wonder the relations between whites and blacks isn't exactly the best there. But to claim there can't be racist violence against a minority by a majority in a situation where the minority are whites is just silly. According to that Reuters article by the way, South Africa has 450,000 whites living in rather extreme porverty, so it's not like being white there means "gated, safe communities" for certain anymore.

Nelson Mandela was a great icon. Unfortunately South African politics didn't manage to achieve anything after, and it even looks like hope is slim for anything good to come in the future there.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 25-11-2013, 23:11:21 »
OK, so Katy Perry sang dressed as a Japanese geisha at the American Music Awards yesterday. Well guess what? It was racist:

"Katy Perry channeling a geisha is RACIST. Stop using other people's culture for 'fashion'".

What.... how... why...  ???

Wow, could that Hitler speech fit that trailer any worse? The style seems pretty artistic, albeit it looks more like Mordor than Stalingrad in some parts.  It's obvious even from the trailer that it uses a lot of 3D effects and indeed it's a 3D film. That means some cool scenes, but I'm pretty sure that as a whole the 3D thing won't be well-received in such a film.

Off-Topic / Old FH forums will be taken down
« on: 06-10-2013, 04:10:50 »
As the forum software of the Gamingforums is about 20 versions old, hacked and has a massive database (posts from 1999), they've decided to do a fresh start and integrate new forums with the main Gamefront site. This means all old stuff will be terminated.

Good riddance some may say, though it's not like the old forums are nothing but an archive now. When these forums were created, some members refused to move on and the two camps started hating each other, but I don't think anyone feels so strongly about it anymore as no one has actively posted there in years.

I guess they have some historical value, as for example every FH news update since 2003 has a discussion there. If you need to grab anything from there, do it now:

They've also decided to wind down the community sites. This means Battlefield 1942 Files will be most likely shut down. It probably has some nice old BF1942 mod files, so if you have anything to archive see:


Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 24-09-2013, 01:09:56 »
I'd consider "anarchocommunism" an oxymoron. Communism needs a central government to run the economy and industry, which doesn't equal "anarchism".

People should read more about the economical history of the Soviet Union. Certainly you can argue they made mistakes, but the communist economy also had inherent flaws such as inefficient industry (for example factories not producing as much products as they could to not get their product expectation risen for the next year). Yet, the Soviets still massively needed hardcore basic industry and ecological exploitation to achieve even their rather low standard of living. It's not possible to divide 'economical and social equality' out of nothing. These "We are the 99 %" people are criticizing capitalism, but not offering any concrete alternatives. Apparently you don't have to care much about economical realities in such criticism, but remember, they exist in both communist and capitalist systems.

Capitalism also allows for flaws. No system is perfect, but as such, I prefer free market capitalism. Markets or capitalism is basic human interaction that has existed since the prehistoric times, a black market existed in the USSR too. How you use your money actually affects things and even with possible defects, many market mechanisms are very beneficial and important. In a free society hippies can run their commun farm and eat their self-produced food for all capitalists care.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 23-09-2013, 03:09:01 »
Oh my god, mom will reign germany with an absolute majority for the next 4 years. I'm so depressed already. Another 4 years of sitting out all the problems while doing nothing and putting on a smart face as a reaction to world politics and development.
Four more years of making the rich richer and the poor poorer while pushing the working poor deeper into virtual slavery. I'm just totally shocked. Hope it won't turn into an depression. Black sunday.

Would you have enjoyed life in the DDR? Atleast everyone, not including the party elite, was equally poor.

Anyway, the Germans seem to like concensus and stability. No changes, and even the CDU and SDP can apparently easily form a coalition government, because there is such a major consensus in German politics. The Greens and Left are more radical.

Off-Topic / Re: Post something happy that happened to you
« on: 18-09-2013, 23:09:38 »
Got out of a nine year friendship with a girl who never gave me the time of day. Somehow, I feel better.

You shouldn't wait that long for a girl to turn single.

Off-Topic / Re: Revolting Uniting
« on: 12-04-2013, 00:04:58 »
I wonder if a left-wing female politician would be called "bitch", "witch" and "hag". Now that would be misogyny, wouldn't it?

The self-righteousness of those thriving for "social equality" of course shields that.

Can you explain exactly WHY celebrating someones death puts you on "the lowest level of social behaviour"? I really don't see it.
Because it's just not bad manners, it's contrary to how intelligent people behave. Thatcher won three democratic elections, unlike some Argentinian fascist dictator or any left-wing favourite East European communist leader. She had been out of politics for long, her death doesn't change anything.

Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front, executing partisan bandits and later defending Europe from the assault of Bolshevist hordes. [/sarcasm]

By the way, anyone remember a FH player called Christian von Schalburg from the old days? Pic related:

Just a funny real stereotype that came to my mind from this topic.

Off-Topic / Re: Tragedy and gun violence
« on: 02-01-2013, 01:01:21 »
It will be rather interesting if anyone is able to print a working firearm with a 3D printer. That might confuse the police state proponents.

Regards to that, there seems to be an idea that firearms are made with some magic witchcraft that the governments can control. Like there wouldn't be illegal guns or nothing dangerous like explosives could be produced at home. You can build a shotgun from a simple pipe that's just of proper size.

Off-Topic / Re: Turkey from a Foreigners Eye
« on: 14-11-2012, 23:11:32 »
Participates in silly quarrels with France because of Armenian Genocide denial by Turkey.

Off-Topic / Re: Incoming elections US
« on: 21-10-2012, 16:10:50 »
Also just reading this thread makes me glad I don't live in the US... The political system is pretty f*cked up over there.

Can you tell me where it isn't? In the UK, the Westminster is arguably one of the more messed up systems of government running today. A part of the reason why Scotland could be better off independent. And prime example of European democracy? Take up Greece. They will never fix the situation, because it's impossible to do the necessary cuts in a democratic system.

The balance of elitism-populism doesn't seem to work. I'd say that if a party has a supermajority in the US, the system works well enough to put through changes.

Off-Topic / Re: Incoming elections US
« on: 20-10-2012, 19:10:49 »
98 % of blacks voting for Obama means there are also fundamentalist Black Christians voting for him instead of Romney. I think that's pretty racialist too in the sense of choosing for who to vote.

As for what can the society do to the white privilege? Only Stalinist-style population transfers come to mind, i.e. transferring white people to poorer areas where there are worse schools for example. You know, rich people will flight from problems, and I don't think that should be illegal.

Off-Topic / Re: Incoming elections US
« on: 20-10-2012, 18:10:23 »
Yeah, why not. However, it seems a bit weird that a pretty minor issue like LGBT rights would be a deciding factor in the presidential elections. Romney is a Mormon and will never support same-sex marriages, okay, but he's not attacking their rights in pretty much any way either.

But I guess that casts the reactionary shadow over Romney, regardless of his economical policies. Oh well, you did bring up the white Christian part, that just automatically brings up the "white privilege" discussion that somehow all minorities are against them.

Obama says illegal immigrants shouldn't be deported. Romney says they should be, because there are legal immigrants in line waiting to get their turn and the illegal immigrants are taking their place. I think that's a very reasonable policy, outlaw people without papers can't do anything good in a society. That has nothing to do with racism.

So you're saying only Blacks should fight against racism? Care to explain why? Because it is their problem? Because doing so as a white person would mean fighting against your self interest? Because white women can't do anything and will just fuck it up?

No, that just a stereotype of someone using the race card for everything. But in which way Romney supports racism? None. So I don't really get the point. So the blacks have a worse socioeconomic position, but blaming it all on racist structures in the society (what are they even?) doesn't make sense either. I don't think the society even could do much about that.

98 % of black people voted for Obama. Seems to be very polarized, and my image pretty much pin-points the main case. Obama can get most white women (even from conservative areas) to vote for him to get the majority. He wins in this case if the only group that Romney gets the majority of votes are white men.

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