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Topics - Stefan1990

Pages: [1]
Clans and Tournaments / FH 0.7 FANMAPPACK EVENT
« on: 15-10-2011, 14:10:46 »


Hello to all Forgotten Hope fans from all over the world!
We invite you all to our next server event on 23.October 2011 7pm GMT+1.
The theme of this event is not as usual a historical campange of FHSW maps. Is an event where
we will play the last FAN MAPPACK for the mod Forgotten Hope 0.7
witch was released in december 2007.

The event in facts:

Date: Sunday 23.October 2011

Time: 07:00 pm GMT+1 - Open end!

Theme: "FAN MAPPACK 12/2007 Event"

Servername: [FHSW Europ] FHSW 0.42 will changed to "FANMAPPCK 2007 Event"

Server IP:

Teamspeak Server 3 IP: Password: 0815

Max.Players: 64

Game: Battlefield 1942 1.61b

Mod: FH 0.7

Mainadmin: [FHSW]Stefan1990

All required files to take part on the event:

*Forgotten Hope 0.7
*Fan Mappack 2007

More infos to the event and the server you can find here:


What is this site about? is the official site of the [FHSW] Europ Community witch is the officia ofl FHSW Japan.

What is FHSW?
Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon is a japanese Modmod for Forgotten Hope, Battlefield 1942 Modification.
It started as a small Minimod for Forgotten Hope. The original intention was to bring some crazy but really planned weapons to FH like the Ratte Tank.

However after 3 years of development, Forgotten Hope Secret Weapons became the biggest mod for Battlefield 1942 with dozens of improvements for the 'old' FH0.7
FHSW gives you more than 500 new equipments, new physics (bouncing bullets and towable artillery), more maps and even more mapimprovements/-changes on FHmaps and the new nation Hungary

Credits to: FHSWman, Jagd Chi-Ha and the other FHSW-devs

What do i need to play FHSW?
-Battlefield 1942 patched to 1.61
-Forgotten Hope 0.7
-FH-Fanmappack 6
-FHSW 0.42

You can download our latest FHSW Installers on

Your server is always empty?
Sry for having the server very empty inside of the week (~16players), however we play currently with ~30players on weekends
and every Month we make an big FHSW-Event which will fill the server with 40-50 ppl

The Game doesn't look very good. It's very pixilated.
We have a Thread with some BF42 Graphic Tweaks

Why is the loading time so damn long?
Well FHSW is one of the biggest Battlefield 1942 mods and the biggest mod-mod for BF42.
So there are many files which have to be loaded for a map.
It could also be that the fhsw-files are bad sorted and the hard drive have to load the very fragmented files ->requires more work and time

But we dont really know the reasons. Keep in mind that we are just a game group, not the developers.
However it will not take more than~4min to load.

Clans and Tournaments / FHSW Mod Event: "D-Day 1944"
« on: 27-07-2011, 18:07:44 »

Datum: Sonntag 31.July 2010

Um: 19:00 pm GMT+1 - Open end!

Scenario: "D-Day"

Servername: [FHSW Europ] FHSW 0.42

Server IP:

Max.Spieler: 64

Game: Battlefield 1942 1.61b

Mod: FHSW 0.42

Mainadmin: [FHSW]Stefan1990

General Discussion / FHSW News:
« on: 13-01-2011, 18:01:49 »
The 'Rota Cannon'

Tanks, which were invented in WW1, are hard enemies for infantry. They triggered new weapons development, the Anti-Tank weapons such as M1918 Tank-Gewehr.

A long time lapsed, in 1942, Japanese Army were seeking new infantry Anti-Tank weapons.
They were already developed 13mm manual loading Anti-tank rifle as experiment, and then Type 97 automatic ATR, Type99 Magnetic Charge (known as "Turtle Mine").But these weapons were too heavy, expensive, or weak.

In 1943, Japanese forces imported the H.E.A.T. technology from Germany. It was a good solution for infantry Anti-Tank weapons because its performance not depend on projectile velocity. Long and heavy barrel for high velocity is no longer required. They developed new weapons like Type2 40mm Rifle Grenade and Type3 Anti-Tank Grenade forthwith.

However, It caused new problems. High penetration H.E.A.T. projectiles had larger diameter, so it becomes too heavy for firing a rifle grenade. The army also tried to fire huge grenade from Type97 ATR, but this solution can't avoid the ATR's high cost and heavy weight.

At this time, Japanese forces encountered American Bazookas. Its projectile has thrust power, so it provides heavy weight projection ability to infantry without heavy huge gun. Also Panzerschrecks were imported about these time. They had set a course of Japanese new Anti-Tank weapons.

Actually, rocket weapons were not something new in Japanese army. They had already started rocket weapons development in 1932. These weapons was completed in 1943, with 7cm, 9cm, 15cm, 20cm, and 24cm version. But they fell into disrepute because of bad accuracy. Though, using rocket in infantry combat not needs very accuracy. So, Japanese new H.E.A.T. projector was developed on experienced Japanese 7cm and 9cm rockets.

Well, rocket projectiles has two way of stabilization. One is fin stabilized, the other is rotate stabilized. Rotate stabilized rockets were less influenced by wind. but warhead rotating causes bad effect to the penetration capability.

Around that time, that effect was not well known, so the army chose accurate way. In experiment, the rocket penetrated 80mm armor. It was not so good as Panzerschreck or Bazooka, but it had been considered that still effective against sherman tanks. The rocket and launcher passed trial, and adopted as "Type4 7cm Rocket Propelled Armor Piercing Grenade" and "Type4 70mm Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher". The rocket reached 160m/s, that was faster than Bazooka and Panzerschreck, and its hit ratio was estimated 60% at 100m distance. Its propellant was burned short time after fired from barrel, so gunners must wear face mask.

The launcher was based on Bazooka and Panzerschreck, but it had some improvements. It had bipod for stable firing in prone position. And its barrel can split-off to two part for better mobility. The barrels was connected by three thumbscrews. Unlike competing weapons, rockets was ignited by striking pin, because it was easy to mass-production than electric devices in Japanese factories. Its maximum range was estimated as 750-800m, but effective range is 50-100m. So the sights has two holes for these distance.

Also there was a planned 9cm variant to improve performance. It has 120mm penetration, but the rocket's velocity was reduced to 106m/s because of its weight. These rockets were not only expected as anti-tank weapons, but also as a replacement for mortars of paratroopers. And about 3500 units were produced, but didn't entered war.

In game, its bipod provides better accuracy in prone position. And, while its penetration performance not so great, because of heavy charge, it gives very serious damage if penetrated. You will see this weapons mainly in Japan main land map, and it replaces some of "captured Bazooka" kits.


Date: Friday 14.January 2011
Time: 18:00 - Open end!

Scenario:"Rush for Berlin"

Servername: [FHSW-Europ]FHSW 0.42
Server IP:
Max.Players: 64

Game: Battlefield 1942 1.61b
Mod: FHSW 0.42
Maps: (Read Flyer)

Mainadmin: Stefan1990 & Mayer

Required Downloads to play on our FHSW 0.42 Server:

FH 0.7

Part 1of3;49588

Part 2of3;49581

Part 3of3;49580

FH Fanmappack 6

Part 1of1;62701

FHSW 0.42

Part 1of2

Part 2of2

More information about FHSW and the Events:


[F|H]: Forgotten Hope 1 Campaign Secret Weapons
With the "Dawn of the Rising Sun" campaign we successfully revived our long tradition of FH1 campaigns and continued the revival of the Bf42-branch that we started with our first BF1918 campaign back in 2009. After another great 1918-campaign this fall, we are now going back to the Forgotten Hope series with our first Forgotten Hope Secret Weapons campaign. Stay tuned for news on this in early 2011!

[F|H]Dutcharmy: The campaign scenario will be the last years of the eastfront... german,hungary,finland vs. soviet union 1943 -1945

forgotten honor news:

infos to FHSW:

What you mean?

I say: AWESOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!  ;)

Clans and Tournaments / [hslan]FHSW 0.42 [EVENT INFOS]
« on: 18-10-2010, 18:10:59 »

Date: Samstag 30.Oktober 2010
Time: 18:00 - Open end!

Scenario: "D-Day"

Servername: [hslan]FHSW 0.42
Server IP:
Max.Players: 64

Game: Battlefield 1942 1.61b
Mod: FHSW 0.42
Maps: (Siehe Flyer)

Mainadmin: hslan.Stefan1990

Required Downloads to play on our FHSW 0.42 Server:

FH 0.7

Part 1of3;49588

Part 2of3;49581

Part 3of3;49580

FH Fanmappack 6

Part 1of1;62701

FHSW 0.42

Part 1of2

Part 2of2

More information about FHSW and the Events:


>>>>>   8.January 2010 6pm GMT+1   <<<<<

Nach der veröffentlichung der neue FHSW Version 0.4 freuen wir uns euch wieder zur
 wöchentlichen FHSW-Fighnight ein zu laden. Die erste Fighnight im Jahr 2010 wird uns  an die Westfront  verschlagen.
Den Anfang werden die Karte  der frühen Kriegsjahre 1940 - 1942
machen. Es geht vom Angfiff auf Frankreich weiter zur Luftschlacht über England bis an den Polarkreis.Der zweiten Abschnitt der Fighnight wird durch die D-Day Karten eingeläutet. In diesem Abschnitt werden die Karten der Landung in der Normandie und der Befreiung Frankreichs und der Beneluxstaaten behandelt.Im dritten Abschitt werden erst die Karten der Ardennen Offensive gespielt. Anschließend geht es zur Letzen Festung, in die Alpen!!
Wir hoffen auf viele Besucher und wünschen euch viel spaß beim spielen von FHSW 0.4

(Sorry for bad translation)

After the publication of new FHSW version 0.4 we are looking for you again
 weekly FHSW load Fighnight too. The first Fighnight in 2010, drifted us to the Western Front.
The start will be the map of the early war years 1940 - 1942
make. It goes from attack on France continues to battle of Britain up to the Polarkreis.Der second section of the Fighnight is heralded by the D-Day Cards. In this section, the maps of the landing in Normandy and the liberation of France and the Benelux countries behandelt.Im third section, we will only be playing the cards of the Ardennes offensive. It then looks for Letzen fortress in the Alps!
We hope for many visitors and wish you a lot of fun when playing by FHSW 0.4

Um an der FHSW-Fighnight teilnehmen zu können benötigt ihr:

Battlefield 1942 .v1.61

Mods & Mappacks:
Forgotten Hope 0.7[/font] (FH)
Forgotten Hope Fanmappack #6
Forgotten Hope: Secret Weapons 0.4 (FHSW)



Teamspek 3 Daten:


Battle of Britain
Arctic convoy-1942

Juno Beach
Gold Beach-1944
Omaha  Charliesector-1944
Falaise Pocket-1944
Liberation of Caen
The Attack on Carentan-1944
Ramelle Neuville-1944
Operation Goodwood-1944
In the hell of Bocage-1944

Battle of Foy
Battle of the Bulge
Trois ponts-1944
Operation Blackknight-1945
Bombing the Reich-1945


Clans and Tournaments / FH1 "Clan Only Event"
« on: 29-11-2009, 10:11:35 »

>Register your Clan or Community<

Contact =[H|F]=Stefan1990 to register!


ICQ: 224-888-666

xFire: stefanfellinger


What means "Clan Only Event"?
Clans come together on a password protected server
to feel the the true FH gameplay experience, have fun
and come into contact with other clans.

When the event starts?
The "Clan Only Event" starts on
Sunday 6.December 2009 at 6pm GMT+1

When the event ends?
Is played as long as it makes fun and
there are enough players, so Open End.

What is the server address?
Servername: [H|F]
Server IP:

What is the server password?
The password will be sent to your clan after the registration for the event.

How about a TeamSpeak server?
Each clan use his own TeamSpeakserver.

Which mod will be played at the event?
Name: Forgotten Hope: Secret Weapon (FHSW)
Version: 0.3beta2 (Maby 0.4)

What maps are played?
We'll probably play the best FH maps, the maps of Forgotten Hope: Fanmappack 6;62701[/color]];62701

Any other questions please send to Stefan1990:
ICQ: 224-888-666
xFire: stefanfellinger

Modding / FH 0.7 .lst and .cfg?
« on: 21-10-2009, 23:10:38 »
I am serching for a complet .ist and .cfg file of FH 0.7

General Discussion / FHSW 0.4 Coming soon!
« on: 04-10-2009, 09:10:04 »

FHSW 0.4 Coming soon!

FHSW 0.4 in OctoberNovember 2009?:

Download Public Beta2!
(Request FH 0.7 and Fanmappack6)

Public FHSW Servers!

Central EU:

East EU:


Clans and Tournaments / FHSW - FightNight Event
« on: 02-04-2009, 19:04:18 »

Morgen am Freitag ab 18:00 findet unser wöchentliches FHSW Event statt!

Nach Westfront und Ostfront werden diesen Freitag die Nord Afrika & Mittelmeer Maps in der historisch richtigen Reihenfolge gespielt! Im Ramen des Events werden auch die  "Flackschiffe" der FHSW Mod zum Einsatz kommen:
"Landkreuzer RATTE"

Tomorrow Friday 6pm GMT+1 is our Weekly FHSW event again!

After Western Front and Eastern Front will be this Friday, the North Africa & Mediterranean Maps in the historically correct sequence played! Ramen in the event will also be "Flack ships" of the FHSW Mod used:



Gespielt wir wie immer auf dem [DPB] Server:

As always, we played on the [DPB] Server:

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