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Messages - Matthew_Baker

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 129
thanks for posting. this is a game changer if anyone still lurks here. blender is free and so much more accessible than 3DsMax for the general population wanting to get into modeling

Developer Blogs / Re: Mapping La Hardt Forest
« on: 19-01-2024, 14:01:34 »
Maybe if LaHire finds a use for it on the map. It really depends on what the mapper wants to add to balance their map properly. We don't always add all of the stuff in a units orbat (obviously the French also had many other things like M5s & M8s, etc....). But it's always a possibility if the mapper thinks it's necessary.

It's being considered for sure. I'm not sure how many, but ik that in this update Ivan has specifically added SP support for a lot of vehicles that lacked it previously. He's really the main person who has the time to do SP work on our team and thankfully he had enough time to navmesh all these new maps for the release too.

Off-Topic / Re: Picture of the Day
« on: 16-11-2023, 19:11:56 »
Nice, not many photos of those little bastards :)

Off-Topic / Re: Picture of the Day
« on: 01-12-2022, 13:12:49 »
1200 pages good Lord! :o what's our next milestone? :D

Maybe posted before;

Artistically gifted crew sitting on their StuG. III Ausf. G (Alkett/MIAG April - September 1943), probably in the winter of 1943-1944, somewhere on the Eastern Front.

What might be a Baron Munchausen cartoon painted on the skirt.

General Discussion / Re: To all the buisy Devs and Helpers
« on: 16-05-2022, 14:05:05 »
Thank you guys!

I know discord might not be as simple to use as these forums once were, but that's where you're gonna get all the news goodies first. Idk how much longer we're going to be using this forum.


Developer Blogs / LaHorgne Camouflage & Markings
« on: 11-05-2022, 21:05:42 »
Hi Everyone!

Another dev blog on some of the research that's gone into the camouflage and markings of our 2.6 update. Feel free to download the PDF and have a read :)

Feel free to join our discord to get the updates a bit earlier.

We hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for more updates!

Interestingly, we have no "pilot" headgear for the Germans. In all other maps, when the Germans pickup a pilot kit, they wear the same M43 hat that the squad leaders wear on Normandy maps.

That particular hat is anachronistic for 1940, and we didn't have time to model new headgear for the Germans. So we did a quick switch to all the kits with that hat to swap the hat for Stahlhelms. That way, all the squad leaders aren't wearing a hat from 1943 in 1940.

One side effect is now pilots have helmets ;D maybe in the future we could do real pilot headgear for the Germans, we'll see.

Announcements / Re: The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.6
« on: 06-05-2022, 16:05:04 »

FH2 Help / Support / Re: Launch Issue
« on: 29-04-2022, 21:04:53 »
Hey sorry, we just dropped some news in our discord; "we are currently experiencing some issues with the master server. We are looking into this and will post here again when problem has been solved. Please stay patient, we apologize for the inconvenience!"

Hopefully back up soon.

Suggestions / Re: Remagen
« on: 25-04-2022, 18:04:05 »
Would be really cool to see tho. The bridge model itself would almost need to be like a 16 player map. The static would need to be custom made with the idea of like 2-3 flags being fought on over top of it.

Curious to see how Hell Let Loose will do it, tho their gameplay is very different from ours.

Suggestions / Re: Remagen
« on: 25-04-2022, 16:04:32 »
I think people have thought about it, it's just that doing the whole bridge static is quite time consuming, and there hasn't been enough interest in someone taking that time.

It'd also be kind of tough to mix in the Arado jets in since they came in many days after the bridge was captured, so it's kind of like a separate scenario. Tho I could see a cool scenario where an Arado spawns after the bridge is capped and the Germans get one last chance to win/ tie with a bombing run :D

But long story short, most ppl are focused on other stuff atm. Remagen would be a very time consuming map to do, and there's not much interest in putting that much time in.

EDIT: cool yea they did make one for FHSW; I guess that has the Arado spawning for Germans at all times. Still kinda a cool way to do it

Developer Blogs / Stonne Camouflage and Markings
« on: 20-04-2022, 20:04:19 »
Hi Everyone!

Another dev blog on some of the research that's gone into the camouflage and markings of our 2.6 update. Feel free to download the PDF and have a read :)

Feel free to join our discord to get the updates a bit earlier.

We hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for more updates!

Announcements / Re: Old News - A Forgotten Hope 2 Update
« on: 18-04-2022, 22:04:37 »
...Will they be available in plain feldgrau as well?

Those 37mm tanks didn't see much action after Fall Gelb in 1940. Certainly some in 1941, but they would've had some changes to make them look slightly different. Hopefully we'll do all of the P3 & 251 variants. Not for 2.6, but in the future maybe.

Off-Topic / Re: Picture of the Day
« on: 18-04-2022, 14:04:09 »
Looks like one of the 300ish 'unarmored' ones.

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