Here's how you do it if you
bought BF2 on Steam and wanna play
Forgotten Hope 21 ) Make sure you have BF2 in your games list
- Link to product on Steam: ) Start it up and check that it works by joining a server and just playing
3 ) Download Forgotten Hope 2
- Link to main page: ) Install Forgotten Hope 2 and make sure you got the latest version installed
5 ) When BF2 and FH2 is installed, go in to the Steam/Steamapps/Common/BF2/Mods/
FH2 and copy the shaders_client file and just copy it into Steam/Steamapps/Common/BF2/Mods/
BF2 6 ) Open Steam, go to settings and click on "In-game" tab and make sure the Steam Community (Shift+Tab) is not active. Steam, Punkbuster and the overlay community function will not work in BF2/FH2. So if you wanna play FH2, you gotta click the box so it's not active or else PB will kick you within five minutes.
Also check the Downloads+Cloud tab and remove the Steam Cloud function
- Now we have removed two things that would fuck up Punkbuster while hunting town evil Tigers on St.Lo breakthrough
7 ) Manually update Punkbuster. Use PBsetup and just add Battlefield 2 and check for updates. Great way if PB starts giving you the trouble.
Can be found here: ) Start Battlefield 2, log in, click on community and custom games. Activate Forgotten Hope 2. BF2 will close and FH2 will start.
8.1 ) You can also add FH2 directly to Steam's my games list via the "add non Steam game" at "add game" menu.
9 ) Join a server, have fun and lets us know if it doesn't work!