Hello Folks,
My name is Joshua, better known as Professor_Smith. Firstly I wanted to apologize to those of you I have rudely, or aggressively responded to over the last many years. It's just that when I have sought help from you folks, you experienced and knowledgeable modders, some of the FH developer community, have responded to me in an extremely aggressive manner, insulting both myself, and the 20-plus years of work that I have put into my mini mod, HTroop. Again I just wanted to apologize for my way of reacting. For the last 13 years, I have had a chronic pain condition, in my upper right gums, called Trigeminal Neuralgia V2. It was caused by an oral surgeon removing my wisdom teeth, and leaving a Jawbone exposed, which became infected. So for the last 13 years, 24/7/365, it has felt like there is a hot razor blade stuck halfway into my upper right gums. In addition, this painful nerve, which runs up into my brain, has been inflamed many many times. Many a time, I have been working on HTroop, even while in extreme amounts of pain, doing my best to work through it, and when someone I have asked for help, responds in a aggressive and rude manner, attacking me and all of the strife and grief and pain that I've gone through, to complete this mod, and work through all of its issues, it does frustrate me quite a bit, and tends to anger me. 3 years ago, I was finally diagnosed with this condition officially. Before that time, multiple dentists and oral surgeons thought that my condition was simply bad roots, so they continued to rip out teeth in my upper right mandibular. The reason I have explained all of this, is that though it was not right of me as a Christian man, to respond the way I did, I wanted to let all of you know, who were offended by my comments, that at the time, it was extremely difficult for me to control my reactions, to such insults. Over the last 3 years, I have had a procedure done, called gamma knife, which helped to alleviate about 40% of the pain in the affected nerve. Though it has not completely cured me, I am in a lot less pain, and I am not reacting as defensively or as aggressively these days. I am seeing a specialist, and though I'm told that the condition will never go away, the treatment, is helping up to alleviate another 10 or 20% of the pain.
In addition, I wanted to think all of the game designers / modders out there, that not only responded to me in a polite manner, but tried their best to help me in my endeavor. Those of you such as Lobo, Thorondor123,
Torenico, Desertfox, and many others, came to my rescue and defense, against the more toxic responses some of your team, and I thank you with all of my heart. I appreciate the fact that you understand all that I've gone through, and the fact that once I had started this project, I could not stop, until I have finished my work, and proven, not only to others, but myself, that I can give something to the world, that I have worked on myself. I am still working on HTroop, but I've gotten a lot further, thanks to all of you, and many other devs and modders from other forums.
Thank You All Again,